Hastings Perch


Well-Known Member
Weather and winds looking good for tomorrow for me to venture out to Hastings drive area for the first time. Planning on leaving from Burwell bright and early. Is there some sort of landmark that you guys use outlining that you are in the "right" general area. I hear it is a apprx an 18 mile run from Burwell.

General depth to be fishing in? Mid 40's??

I will be in a white 18' Lund if anyone else is out there

Appreciate any info


We are going to hastings tomorrow as well bright and early we will be in a black lund tyee 1900 no vhf radio though, 3 or 4 guys in the boat. i'm hearing 45-48 FOW is good. Its about 1.5- 2 miles past the last windmill. I think there'll be a few boats out tomorrow so you should be able to see them once you get past the last wind mill. Don't anchor too close, alots of water for all. If you want pm me your cell #and we can text the hotspot when out there