Found old mallard decoy (big rice)


Well-Known Member
Old carry lite mallard decoy. Found floating this morning on the point between big and little rice. Not the newest or fanciest but would like to find owner if he would like it back.
man your a good guy, I lost a punt paddle on the rd, stopped at the entrance to the unit when I realized something came off my boat, guys passes me with a punt paddle in his truck that was behind me on the causeway, dosnt own a boat or ever hunt outta a boat, That night I see him and ask if he found a paddle he said no nothing but there was silence for about 5 seconds after I asked him. Guy sells everything so if anyone sees a local in a blue truck selling a 14 ft punt paddle let me know so I can go buy the one I lost back, if you want the guys name pm me and I will tell you, my fault for loosing it but still
Decoys these days are pricey. Some people have limited budgets for buying new gear. As I said its not the newest nor the prettiest but obviously it was still working. If nobody responds I may drop off at the unit next time I'm in area. Worst case they use it for kids duck day as a donation if noone claims it.
Hey Donald I bet I know who has that paddle blue truck I saw him with one if he doesn't return I know where he lives maybe he just needs to remember sometimes these guys forget where they got it and will return to the rightful owner I'm sure he will
Hello Donald,

You may want to consider reporting this incident to the police especially if you can find out from Duckman where this individual lives.

Although he did not steal the paddle from you he is in possession of a lost item that you can identify.

I think that it is worth a try even if there is only a 50:50 chance of recovering your paddle.

I wouldn't advise reporting to the police that someone has an item that fell off your vehicle while driving on the road. You'll end up with a lost paddle and a fine for unsecured load.
We lost a bunch of decoys last year.
Had one returned to us. Thanks shipwrecked.

Not that we put our phone number on them. But clearly someone picked up a bunch.