For those that have stealth cam card readers that plug into phone


Well-Known Member
Has anyone found an alternitive to the app? i easy drive is not working anymore, not updated by developer, and probally won't.

I can use pc, but i'd like to view in the woods as i did before.
I have an SD card adapter that plugs into my phone. The only drawback is I need to upload all the images to my iphone to view them.
I have an SD card adapter that plugs into my phone. The only drawback is I need to upload all the images to my iphone to view them.
Get a real phone and this isn't an issue.

My Samsung came with a USB adapter that I just plug a card reader into.

USB adapter:
Card Reader:
You can also get a card reader that skips the adapter. I just had these on hand.
For the record I hate all phones. However, my phone doesn’t break on rod holders so I think I’ll keep it for now. 🤣
For the record I hate all phones. However, my phone doesn’t break on rod holders so I think I’ll keep it for now. 🤣
I believe that is more to do to my diminutive stature and the phone being in my front pocket than to its brand, but point taken. I'll leave it in my purse next time.