Erie Algae

Wow that is not good. From what I know about cyano bacteria from my marine aquarium the only way to ge rid of it is starve it out. Meaning they have to stop the excessive run off of phosphates into the lake.
Well that depends on what you call natural. Farm run off and storm run off?
Basically this type of algae is not what i would call natural but man made.. The real issue here is that it will compete for food in the water ie>> nitrates and phosphates. If it wins then we are in trouble.
If you get a chance watch the program Draining THE Great Lakes. I think it's on Discovery Science channel or one of those learning channels. Great program on the topography and biodiversity of the lakes. There is a section on algae blooms in Lake Michigan that's very similar to the Western Basin.
Originally posted by Chromeseeker

If you get a chance watch the program Draining THE Great Lakes. I think it's on Discovery Science channel or one of those learning channels. Great program on the topography and biodiversity of the lakes. There is a section on algae blooms in Lake Michigan that's very similar to the Western Basin.

That show is awesome!!!


"Rivers are living things, sometimes swollen and discoloured, other times thin and anaemic. Spend enough time around a particular river, you learn to read its moods, like a spouse reads a partner."
