Down with old crows against change

Just wondering why there are groups like “FOCAS” that have been so counter productive our area…

Please tell me what gives people the right to think they have the authority to keep people from enjoying our beautiful beaches? And who wants to stop road improvements specially when they are going to save so many lives (i.e. the eco passages) and make the road safer???

Long Point is such a unique/beautiful place why not show it off? Heck if we’re already doing a good job protecting it let’s bring in some economic growth and help support our community? Makes sense doesn’t it?
Seems like we’re doing a good job but when you have people like FOCAS who come in from way out in left field complain about everything, spread a bunch of lies, cause the cost of the causeway project to go up because they complain about everything, then complain about the cost, the list goes on. They really should call themselves FOCAC – F*$*ing Old C*&ts Against Change. You also got people like the Rate Payers that want the beaches all to themselves I mean really what a joke…

I say down with FOCAS and down with anyone that wants to stop people from coming and enjoying the beaches.

Change is coming, just like it did for the generation before us, the one before them and so on.
mmmmmmmmmmmmm Hey fiddlehead the last I checked this is a free country where we have the right to voice our opposition if we so choose !

As for "change" ? IT and I suppose inane opions on internet websites are the only constant in the universe.

The Long Point that "was" will never be seen again and where it's headed doesn't look too promising either.
I think Long Point's been a pretty ambiguously dynamic place without a constant identity for any real period of human habitation. If we have to pick a spot to stick at as "the Long Point that was" (and ought to be), let's re-open a few casinos and lake front prostitution centres! Haha (Does FOCAS already have one of those on the causeway?!) ;)
Hello Guys,

I would like to remind everyone that when the LPCIP was first presented to the public at the Port Rowan Community Center a few years ago comments and questions were invited from the public for consideration.

It would appear that there are some individuals who are opposed to the public having the opportunity to present comments and questions as requested regarding this project.


PS Fiddlesticks ... may I suggest that you utilize the appropriate spelling of the words that you wish to use. The "*", "$" and "&" that you have used are not letters within the english language. Although you do have the right to express your opinion why is it that you appear to be opposed to others expressing their opinions?

PS Gryphon Hunter ... now really ... be nice!
Buddy Boy, can you please tell me what a cummunity center is? Sounds kind of sick if you ask me, doesn't sound like something the LPCIP would attend... I hear it's a secret place people go to be initiated into FOCAS... BTW what did you say about the english language lol?

Also there's a difference between voicing an opinion and spreading rumours/lies over and over again. No ones oppose to comments and questions, people just get tried of hearing them when they've been answered and heard a million times... I may not be involved with the causeway project or the beach but my roots go pretty deep in this area and it seems like every time I watch council or read the paper some yokel local/locals are disrupting all the good things that are happening around here...

PS Long Point has a very short history, just like the rest of Canada, it's better to work with change instead of against it....
Take a look at the history of Point Pelee and how it became a national park. Cottagers were allowed to stay for their lifetime and then the govt took ownership.

Long Point is a very valuable resource to all people and other wildlife. Creative solutions must be found to appease all parties !
Originally posted by Lpgar

Gets out the popcorn and opens a beer....Wants to sit back and watch this one develop

Here you go!

Hello Fiddlesticks,

You caught me with my typographical error of "cummunity" and I have corrected it to "community". I guess that I am part "human" after all.

Now ... just what did you mean to state by "No ones oppose to comments and questions" ... perhaps you meant "no one is opposed to comments and questions" or "no one opposes comments and questions".

With the first option you would have made two errors and with the second option you would have made three errors.

Score: Fiddlesticks 1 and Buddyboy 2.


PS The meeting at the Port Rowan Community Center was organized by the LPCIP people and they held another subsequent update session last fall (if I remember correctly). A bunch of us went over to the "Boat House" for supper afterwards and the consultant for the LPCIP joined us.

PS Tinboater ... great cartoon!
Oh Fiddlesticks.....(sigh), maybe I will "enlighten" you but first we will have to perform a reversal to the rectal cranial inverversion you suffer from.

So you are not a "local"? Neither am I but my( and my family's) roots go deep at The Point too. Of course 60 plus years is a drop in the ol'time bucket when compared to the 14000 year old Point. I could give you a free history lesson about Long Point and surrounding area but it's taken me countless hours of research and Stomp would get upset with me for hogging his website, so I won't.

Maybe Gryphon Hunter could loan you a couple of books about the local history as they are a good place to start but there is so much more out there if you look for it.

As for "change" your myopic viewpoint is so obtuse it would be senseless of me to try and have reasonable debate with such.

As for "where is it heading" ? Well one oldtimer notced that with all the traffic down on the Point on a long weekend the water went up 6 inches in his boathouse. The channels are not designed for cigarette boats, what was once cottages are now mansions, we are in the downward cycle of the history of the lake level,invasive species etc.,etc..I am not against change or the people that try and make a living off of The Point ie; cottagers and tourists but if things are not openly debated on before being implemented than mans greed will once again lay ruin to all that we hold dear.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year !
Old Cut LongPointer -- you wrote:

"Well one oldtimer notced that with all the traffic down on the Point on a long weekend the water went up 6 inches in his boathouse."

It's been a long time since I had a physics course, so I'm wondering if you could explain how traffic on the Point causes the water in the Bay to rise -- or, does it cause the Point to sink? :0
Buddy Boy: you gots good grammer... What are you going to do with all them points you won?

P.S. are you a FOCAC member yet?

Old Cut Longpointer: If you knew anything about Long Point you'd know that's it's around 4 thousand years old, not 14 thousand... So please... Hold off on that "free" history lesson... Usually when things are free they are carp...

Few things I'd like to point out (just for fun). That old timer that got an extra 6 inches of water in his boathouse should be happy. The water levels were so low this year you could barely get out of the channels... Did you know that at one time during the short history people have been on Long Point that the inner bay was so shallow it looked more like a marsh (I don't think it was because of cigarette boats either)? Also, just going out on a limb here but levels in the channels are more then likely the same as levels in the lake...

Can't argue with you about the invasives but... if you ever get out of Long Point go hunting. You may notice the abundant amount of wildlife we have around here... a lot of guys are saying it's like the good old days...

As for your narrow view on change: Your right, senseless trying to have any form of reasonable debate...

I liked your comment: "we are in the downward cycle of the history"... You should be happy your around to see that happen... because if your reading this you survived December 21st 2012... Congratulations!

Merry Christmas :D
Hello Guys,

Just a few points:

1) I am not taking any of this personally and I hope that nobody else is either.

2) I realize that we all love "The Point" for basically the same reasons ... the beach, the boating, the fishing and the hunting.


PS Fiddlesticks ... I was hoping to cash my points in for a free guided Tundra Swan hunt down in North Carolina (I already have my Tundra Swan decoys) ... failing that ... maybe I can use my points to renew my FOCAS membership.

PS Canvasbacksca ... I think that OCLP was inferring one of two possibilities ... the amount of human urine that is excreted into the lake by the visitors or the displacement of water by their boats resulting in either case to a corresponding rise in the water level.
I'm surprised that such a brilliant grammarian as you, BB, doesn't know that OCLP was "implying" -- you did the "inferring". :D
Fiddlesticks I stand corrected;
Origin of Long Point

Long Point reportedly began as Lake Erie rose to a level at which deposits of the Paris glacial moraine began to be reworked (7600 BP) (Coakley, 1983). Sediments carried by long shore drift from the east and west were deposited in the shallow water environment and began to form the Point (Coakley, 1983). This has proceeded ever since.
It is the nature of many sand spits or peninsulas to be eroded or broken from the mainland during times of high water or during storms (Davidson-Arnott, 1988). These breaks or breaches often close again with renewed deposition over time. It is likely that Long Point was more often an island than a peninsula for most of its history. Laidler (1944) describes historical reports of the separation of the peninsula from the mainland many times since it was first discovered; for example in 1813 the gap was "quite wide", in 1834 - 390 yards, and in 1865 - 1/2 mile.

The present causeway or road linking the Point to the mainland was built in the 1920's and is maintained for residents living in the community of Long Point and visitors to the Point (Barrett, 1977

I'm not sure about your "Inner Bay shallow" comment but it is shallower now due to the "Cuts" that washed sand into it. As for the marsh it has silted in alot because of many factors like high water back in the 80's ,man made channels,poor agricultural practices and of course the marsh doing what it does best and acting like a filter.

To clarify the "rising water" yes, he believed with all the extra weight from the people and vehicles that Long Point was sinking ! Odd sense of humour these oldtimers ! LoL ! Mind you "BB" may be on to something with all those visitors peeing theory ?

My father started hunting The Point in 1947 and built our place in 1952. I've hunted and fished the area most of my 55 years and hope to do so for awhile yet.

See ya around !
Hello Canvasbacksca,

You apparently sought an explanation and I graciously provided two possibilities.

I have waited for OCLP's explanation as to what he was actually implying or inferring.

Old Cut Longpointer: You took a lot of time to copy that, kudos! I see you've been reading Legends and Lore of Long Point, good book!

Buddy Boy: why are you always editing your posts? Your not making any gramatical errors are you?