Did I Hear this Correctly?


Well-Known Member
Norfolk Councillor Noel Haydt said at last night's meeting that a Running Marathon scheduled on the Opening Day of Bass Season (Saturday June 27th) will force the closure of the Front Road from Port Rowan to Turkey Point beginning at 6am. This is going to impact several marinas and those people trailering boats to the Inner Bay for the opener. Wonder if the staffers at Norfolk County even considered the economic spin off of several million tourist dollars Opening Day has for the Inner Bay business people before granting the road closures? Something wrong with this picture.
This is pure insanity. Someone is going to get seriously injured or killed, or 59 and 24 are going to be backed up for hours with nowhere to go. Not to mention the increased pressure on the Long Point town side, which is already a shite show, it's going to be a nightmare. The police that are involved in the road closures should be stepping in and nixing the whole idea.
Well then line up usually starts at 4 am in my trailer park and that from the launch all the way up to front road and usually on the road . Hopefully something gets figured out
Excellent observation Dave. If true, this will create a big impact on the thousands of people that travel to longpoint bay for the opener. Curious where one would obtain a route map for this marathon. Knowing the easiest way to travel to the marina's would help out the people on this message board anyway.......
Google South Coast Race series. It's somewhere out there. Thing is, if they close the wrong part of front street, there is no accessing TP Marina I believe...and no easy way to get around it from 59 even if they do have a piece open to cross....
I'm sorry this is hilarious! Here I thought London was the only town with idiots on council. :facepalm:(pretty sure this a face palm) sigh...We'll be launching from the camp site as always. Staying the night before really makes for an easier morning.
Apparently this is not a done deal. The runers don't have final approval as yet. Tuesday nights council meeting is the final meeting for that decision. Contact Norfolk councillors and voice an opinion. There is a link that you can blanket all, with 1 email. The suggested solution is to have a cop at each intersection to control traffic for runners and boaters.
Should have them run up consesion a out to 23 then down to the fourth then out to 60 on Hazen then 60 to troyer, troyer to the 6th then take the 6th to 16 and take 16 to st Johns then St Johns to blue line then decue to simcoe that way they will be out of most everyone's way, and half those roads are already closed.
Or let the do there thing it should be a good stress test for the single highest expense in norfolk county's budget.
I spoke to the young lady that is organizing the run , she says the road is not going to be closed .
The runners are supposed to be on one side of the road only. We will see !.
Next year, it will be held in a different day.
Time for someone else to be running the South Coast Tourism Board. Whoever is running it now certainly doesn't have a grasp on what is going on.
Haha even better. Closed road was a bad decision for tourism dollars and an established tradition and a busy day. Even more ludicrous? Let's have the marathon, but the runners and drivers will share the road at 645 am. Brilliant.