Curious question

fishin fool

Well-Known Member
If I have my 5 year old grandson on my boat is he eligible for a conservation or sport limit or no fish at all
A CO explained to me once a few years back that the youngster must be able to actively fish and wind one in.
Nuff said.
Not a bad deal, wind in one and count for six. 🌻
Hope this doesn't come off the wrong way, but that's incorrect. Party fishing is technically illegal. A common misconception, particularly on a boat is that say, 3 people = 18 walleye......that's not really true. Each each person must land their iwn 6 fish. I know its a grey area but it's nit uncommon for a CO to ask 'who caught the most' ir something similar when checking a cooler and their actually fishing for that one excited person to volunteer that they caught the most (or more than their fair share).....personally, I say let the kid bring in as many as possible 😁 Just be aware that some CO's can be sticklers, I've seen fines given out in relation to this topic before..

Not a problem Josh.

My comment was a little flippant.

Should make ensuring people fishing together on boats stay compliant with the regs interesting.

Multiple person catch counters, each fish caught identified and compiled in each person's count and kept separate/identifiable from each other's catch.

Fun, wow. 🌻
Here is my take on it :
Adults are smart enough to say 6 each " mostly unless you got a really dumb cousin 🙄 "
Kids you would be taking a chance at that age because as we know they will say the darnest things and will rat you out unintentionally in a second 🤣🤣
If I'm taking kids out they get to bring in all the fish anyway and we are out for fun not so much for a meat run
Yes some CO will take it to the letter of the law while some is relaxed specially when it comes to kids
I don't know, my kids have always reeled in their own limits when fishing for game species, even if dad had to support the rod for them. I can't think of a better thing to keep their excitement about fishing than actually catching fish. Maybe if guys are trying to pass of a limit for a toddler its a bit shady, but I haven't met the 5 year old yet that wouldn't want to fill his own box and say look Ma, at all the fish I caught!