COVID-19 Devastating Commercial Fishing Industry

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Lifelong commercial fisherman Mark Weaver had anticipated a bumper season for his family-run commercial fishery before the COVID-19 pandemic left the industry almost dead in the water. Now, he and the rest of Ontario’s commercial fishing industry are facing a bleak future that could leave them struggling just to survive.

There is a severe shortage of perch I was told . Was in Dover last night. Not 100 percent sure if its cause they cant fish or there are NO perch. Price per pound has skyrocketed .
I'm hearing Purdy's out of Sarnia is out fishing.
If you read the article it doesn't say he can't fish.
Just that his market to sell the fish has dried up.
since there’s nowhere to sell their catch.
The restrictions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic – the closures of restaurants, bars and fresh-fish counters in grocery stores across North America – have effectively brought Ontario’s freshwater commercial fisheries to a standstill.
The government has effectively killed 10, 000's of small businesses to save few people.

Not trying to stir the pot. I feel for everyone's future lives who have been ruined through this shit.
I’m not going defend the Federal government as they could of done a hell of lot better job of dealing with this virus.
All you have to do is look south of the border and get a glimpse of how bad it could of been up here.
Yes jobs and small businesses will be lost,always have before this outbreak too unfortunately.
Hey WinSk3tom when you say save a few people really hurts ass$$$ When you or a family member gets sick maybe I should tell my daughter whom works on the front line to walk away from you lets see how you feel then when your gasping for air.
Unfortunately it’ll take a family member or friend to become infected before most of these guys understand. It’s only about the lost fishing and hunting time
The government has effectively killed 10, 000's of small businesses to save few people.

Not trying to stir the pot. I feel for everyone's future lives who have been ruined through this shit.

Ignorant and selfish attitudes are what has caused Canada to have such a long gradual curve and are the main reasons this has been drawn out for so long. If people would have smartened up much earlier on, we would have been on the downside of the curve and returning to somewhat normal lives by now. Instead, we're still slowly climbing.

With a novel virus, meaning a new unknown strain of virus, nobody has a cure and nobody knows what it's capable of. Therefore, it's only logical to minimize it's spread until we get an idea of what we're dealing with.

If you want to point fingers, point them at the people who ignored warnings to social distance and stay home.