Fishing Report Burwell June 5


Well-Known Member
On the water at 8am. Set up in 40’ a little West of port. Marked a few nice hooks here and there while trolling out to deeper water but no takers. Swung back in from 48’ when the marks stopped showing and hit a 4lber at 42’ on a #1 dipsey down about 35’ with a Pink Panties spoon. Shortly after we picked up a silver on a 5 colour with some flavour of spoon I can’t recall and that was all she wrote. Trolled for another 4 hours changing colours, depths, speed, underwear, insurance provider, etc and could not manage to find any more takers. First time out this year. Still nice to be back on the water!


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On the water at 8am. Set up in 40’ a little West of port. Marked a few nice hooks here and there while trolling out to deeper water but no takers. Swung back in from 48’ when the marks stopped showing and hit a 4lber at 42’ on a #1 dipsey down about 35’ with a Pink Panties spoon. Shortly after we picked up a silver on a 5 colour with some flavour of spoon I can’t recall and that was all she wrote. Trolled for another 4 hours changing colours, depths, speed, underwear, insurance provider, etc and could not manage to find any more takers. First time out this year. Still nice to be back on the water!
I ran out of underwear!
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