Bugs at Nanticoke today?

Irish eyes

Well-Known Member
The bugs were so bad at Burwell this morning that the kids in the boat made me pull in lines and go home. Hoping to try this evening at Nanticoke. Anybody out today at Nanticoke have a bug report?
The bugs were so bad at Burwell this morning that the kids in the boat made me pull in lines and go home. Hoping to try this evening at Nanticoke. Anybody out today at Nanticoke have a bug report?
Bugs are terrible today at Burwell but the fishing was top notch. I guess the perfectly calm water was to blame. Walleye are thick out there
Bugs are terrible today at Burwell but the fishing was top notch. I guess the perfectly calm water was to blame. Walleye are thick out there
Was out a few miles at Nanticoke until noon today , no biters and a few fish flys but fish were scarce .
We had the same fate at Burwell! Kids made us go in and the fish were a bitin! Couldn’t even talk without bugs in your mouth!!
Was out of Nanticoke this aft from 1pm til 4pm.Bugs were fine.Only one walleye 60 fow down 40 on the rigger.Lure of choice was perch rrf.