Broke in the new bow......


Well-Known Member
Kitted out the new Excalibur Matrix 380 so had to try it out. Packed it up for the flight and headed to the sunny south. Didn't take long to have a pig in the cross hairs. What a blast hunting those critters with a bow.....
Video to follow....


Can you say Ribs on the BBQ !!!!


The final product...........

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Done the hog hunt there once. It is a rush never thought it would be like it is.
Never tried hunting hogs myself but a friend of mine did on wild boar ranch in PA and I watched the video. He made an absolute pinwheel shot with his compound bow right through the lungs of a 300 lb. Russian boar crossing a creek that then turned and bolted straight for him. He's a short paunchy guy and I couldn't believe my eyes but he literally did a back flip over a wire fence just as the boar ran his tusks along the fence trying to nail him. The boar went another 30 yards before expiring then he had to clean his drawers out it was that close to getting him. :eek: :LOL:
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