Brantford Ducks Unlimited Dinner


Well-Known Member
A great meal at a beautiful location The Brantford Golf and Country Club, in support of wetland conservation, Saturday April 4th. PM me to arrange tickets or I will have some with me down at the Swap Meet/Sport Show in Port Rowan this Saturday morning.
So apparently Ducks Unlimited has come out and said they will not endorse the petition regarding guns nor do they support firearms or hunters in general.
So apparently Ducks Unlimited has come out and said they will not endorse the petition regarding guns nor do they support firearms or hunters in general.
CWTF does, support them instead. They also do conservation and hold banquet dinners
I am a duck hunter I support Ducks Unlimited because it protects important waterfowl habitat. Which is what its mission statement is all about. It was never set up as a gun rights advocacy group it is all about Wetland Habitat. If you only want to support political advocacy join groups like CCFR or OFAH they are specialists at it. If you want to protect habitat support DU. If like me and you are concerned with both you support more than one organization. I don't expect the CCFR to build wetlands and I don't expect DU to spend resources on firearm politics.
I am a duck hunter I support Ducks Unlimited because it protects important waterfowl habitat. Which is what its mission statement is all about. It was never set up as a gun rights advocacy group it is all about Wetland Habitat. If you only want to support political advocacy join groups like CCFR or OFAH they are specialists at it. If you want to protect habitat support DU. If like me and you are concerned with both you support more than one organization. I don't expect the CCFR to build wetlands and I don't expect DU to spend resources on firearm politics.

Fair enough, but as an organization who receives a ridiculous amount of funding from a group you have now alienated, all the while catering to and wooing, be prepared to feel the backlash.
I can't remember who said it but,

"When you stay neutral, you are actually siding with the oppressor."

I'm paraphrasing mind you.

The folowing exceprt is from Canadian Gun Nutz:

This petition which has been endorsed by MP Glen Motz has currently over 140,000 signatures of concerned firearm owners and supporters from across Canada.
Provincial wildlife federations have assisted in sharing the information to their members, they are conduit in sharing this information to firearm owners.

I am appalled that DU has not stepped up to share in this process.
Thousands of DU members are firearms owners and the sweeping legislation which may occurred is something which will affect all firearms owners which in turn will have an effect on conservation and wildlife management.

One of your board members from Saskatchewan, James E. Couch holds a seat on the Canadian Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide advice to the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness on pragmatic measures to reform Canada’s firearms policies, laws and regulations to ensure a modernized firearms regime that will keep Canadians safe and safeguard their rights and freedoms in an open and democratic society.

Yet, Ducks Unlimited will still not share this information with its membership?

There is also a connection to Tides, a George Soros organization, which along with WWF pushes for Crown land to be converted to provincial and federal parks, which now means no more hunting.
It is disappointing that DU Canada won't even share links to the petition and proposed legislation. Not a penny to do that. They wouldn't have to say they support it either way. Just getting the info out to the membership as Barnsaw said.
Mick, I am also a former DUC employee. I left on good terms, sounds like you did not. I have also been a volunteer for them for nearly 40 years. I could not disagree more strongly with what you have said above. Anyone interested in the facts need only go to DUC website. The Annual Report and Financial Statements are public and easy to find. There are no secrets, the number of employees are there, and they are grossly different from what you report, as are the number of volunteers and members (attendees) at events.

I am not going to get in a protracted argument here, but I could not let falsehoods go unchallenged. Support who you like. I support some organizations for political advocacy but am proud to also support DU for waterfowl habitat. If you are in the LP area it is not hard to see the results on the ground.

Finally, I will observe that whenever I hear hunters defending their sport they always talk about hunters generous support for wildlife and the places they live and how these efforts benefit all of society. The biggest example used is DU because of their single-minded purpose and focus on waterfowl habitat and huge impact. I commend them for their dedication to the sole purpose they were started for over 80 years ago.
pretty bad that a guy who is selling tickets for a real good meal and a night out get bombarded with shi* that others cant keep out of who cares about the pros and cons just enjoy our hunting heritage and support who ever you want
I'm a sustaining LPWA member and also a long time member of Ducks Unlimited Canada, Delta Waterfowl, OFAH and the CSSA. I'm a member of DUC because of the work they do to preserve our wetlands (which puts more ducks on the pond) and I'm a member of Delta Waterfowl because of the work they do on waterfowl nesting and predator control (which puts more ducks on the pond). I'm a member of the OFHA to help protect our hunting rights and I'm a member of the CSSA to help protect our firearms rights. I could care less what DUC's position is on signing the e-petition just like I could care less what the CSSA thinks about wetland preservation. One has nothing to do with the other, in my opinion. Just recently I joined a political party for the first time in my life. I joined the Conservative Party of Canada because I want a say as to who is going to lead the party going forward because with a better leader in the last election we probably wouldn't even be having this discussion about the e-petition!
Guys, don't forget who the biggest conservationists are. Hunters started DU and many other organizations that all support conservation. I have been a chapter president, and committee member for DU for over 25 years. I do not agree that they will not support the very reason that they became a group to begin with. If you look at the history of DU it was all in support of hunters. (ones that use guns) They made a decision, that without a group to oversee and help conservation we would no longer have any hunting. I hope they re-think their stance on how they support their largest revenue stream to providing habitat rehabilitation, that being hunters that do shoot ducks.

As an addition, I will continue to support DU,Delta ect without these groups providing funds for wetlands we would not have any hunting at all. The dinners are a great way to not only support but also enjoy a great night out.
@singlemalt I hope you have a very successful evening! I know how much work goes into an event. Most people only see the night of, but we know how many months and hours leading up to the dinner it takes to make sure it is done right. If it was a bit closer to me I would attend.
Good Luck and make some money for the DUC's.
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Dear Waterfowlers:

A waterfowl management professional told me years ago that anything that benefits one or two waterfowl species will directly or indirectly benefit other waterfowl species and for that reason alone (if for no other reason) he would support a proposal that I had made to the Canadian Wildlife Service ... similarly ... anything that advocates or enhances our limited opportunities to hunt waterfowl will directly or indirectly benefit others who hunt waterfowl.

If you agree with these two (2) related statements then you should agree that whatever Delta Waterfowl does to advocate or enhance our limited opportunities to hunt waterfowl will benefit all of us and whatever Ducks Unlimited Canada does to improve waterfowl habitat will benefit all of us. I would suggest that you think of these two (2) organizations as the two (2) sides of the same coin ... the coin being to improve waterfowling and waterfowl habitat.

Another waterfowl management professional told me years ago that Delta Waterfowl and Ducks Unlimited Canada are two (2) different organizations ... one is dedicated to what will benefit waterfowlers (including what will benefit waterfowl) and one is dedicated to what will benefit waterfowl (which will also benefit waterfowlers). I later had an opportunity to meet the President of Ducks Unlimited Canada and he explained their mandate to me.

If you can accept and recognize these two (2) different positions by these two (2) different organizations then perhaps you could support both of them and benefit from both of them even though you may prefer one of them over the other. I personally have seen the benefit of supporting both organizations (Ducks Unlimited Canada since 1981 and Delta Waterfowl since 2001) and I will continue to do so.

Jerome Katchin, D.V.M.
Very hypocritical of DU Canada, they can raffle off guns, and sell gun calendars but can't put up the link.
Good luck shooting ducks when all semis are gone! Hunters with guns made DU Canada.