Boat Batteries / Winter Storage

My boat sits outside all winter for storage. All my batteries stay in the boat all hooked up and ready for charging. I have a Dual-Pro 3- Bank charger onboard to do the charging. What you don't want to do is leave the charger ON all winter. You have the potencial of FRYING your batteries. I go once a month to where the boat is and plug the charger on and leave it on for 24hrs for the night. Back the next day- unplug and see you in another month! I have done this since I purchased the boat and have had good results.
I store mine in basement but a friend said this isn't advisable because they can give off gases or if short. He said store in garage
Always remember- Batteries like the COLD. Store your batteries in the garage not in the basement!
I store my batteries in the boat which is in the garage all winter with smart chargers on the entire time. Before smart chargers I used to recharge every few weeks during the winter. Either way I haven't had any issues with batteries overcharging, at least in the last 50 years anyway. LOL!
Can you please explain DO NOT OVERFILL with water. I was told fill the cells up to the bottom of the top hole. Thanks.
When you look down the fill hole, there is a circular plastic sort of thing hanging down inside the top of battery. When you fill to proper level the water turns into a "cats eye" type of thing when it hits that level.
Thanks Wildfire for trying to explain the water level issue.

Shank ; If your battery cells are a little low on water then YES fill to recommended Fill Line but if the plates inside it are exposed it is best to "just" cover them and then charge the battery to avoid a boil over.

True ; A fully charged battery is the best way to store it and it should not freeze because if it's that cold to freeze a fully charged battery you have bigger problems to worry about. LoL ! Also it is not good for the battery's life to be fully discharged repeatedly as it will cause a build up of Lead Sulfate on the plates. Needless to say never ever attempt to charge a frozen battery ! Most batteries come with a 5 year warranty so anything after that ? Everything has a lifespan but by doing preventive maintenance (clean it, fill it, charge it ) you can extend it's life. Also a good time to check the connecters. As for storing them on wood or rubber ? Mmmmmmm ? At the price of a new battery I will stick with the old scrap of wood because I'm old school and cheap.

As a disclaimer I am not a battery tech nor do I sell them.

Thanks Waverunner ! Good pic !