Any Perch on the North Shore?

Consequence Free

Well-Known Member
Going out early tomorrow in search of the perch! Windy week gives way tomorrow, and I'm going to try my luck on the north shore. Any bites at Normandale or Fishers Glen in the last week? I hope to give the report tomorrow if no one has been out.
Let us know how things go. Problem's at home keeping me of the water. thx
Heard through the rumour mill a week or two ago that there was some off normandale. No limits or nothing spectacular but enough to keep you busy and get a couple meals in the freezer.
Started at Pt. Ryerse and worked my way from 14'-20'. Sheephead. :confused: Then worked my way west to Fishers Glen and Normandale.....both places...nada!
After 3 hours in searching for the elusive perch, I headed into the Inner Bay...north shore...ended up with a mix.....couple of rockies, a perch (maybe 7" if I pulled it's tail), and a li'l pike. Sigh...not the day I was hoping for. Let me know if any of you came across those tasty treats!
Going out early tomorrow in search of the perch! Windy week gives way tomorrow, and I'm going to try my luck on the north shore. Any bites at Normandale or Fishers Glen in the last week? I hope to give the report tomorrow if no one has been out.
Ok I am gonna share. Straight out from the suntan motel in TP look for 14 or so ft of water. There are large weed beds scattered around there. They are visible in reasonably clear conditions. Work those beds. Anchor and have a pile of minnows. Worms are fine but slower. There was a heavy east blow for over 3 days there and it got pounded hard. It ended Tuesday I think. Today the water dropped over a foot in the inner and outer bays. It was insane how fast it dropped. So giver a shot. Cheers!