HELP .. I need a kick!

2022 Suzuki 9.9 hp with electric start and power tilt , electronic fuel ignition with its own throttle and start control tied into your main motor for steering at the wheel. Darn thing is so quiet, you wont hear it running. Starts up immediatly each and every time. Safety on the water on Erie trumps all other concerns. Had one incident at Glasgow when I was 5 miles out with a nort east wind and the closest my Minnkota 80 electric got me was one mile off shore. Thast was with two 31 class batteries (Biggest size). Also, marine radio, flare gun are a must as well. Anyone fishing alone should have some sort of kill switch of some sort.
Love my 2022 9.8 tohatsu so far. 81 lbs without the electric start. It's our main for our 14' smoker craft, and a great kicker for our 16' spectrum. Maintaince has been easy so far, going into its 3rd season. Kinda regret not going 9.9 which could be upgraded to a 15 hp if need be. We wanted something light we could carry into northern lakes.