Fishing Report Yesterday (Tues.) Hot and burnt out

Fish Farmer

Well-Known Member
Was out yesterday solo caught 4 off Maitland and towards Tecumseh. 75 to 80 FOW on bottom.
I talked to the Commercial Fisherman at Maitland and he said the nets are set down near Tecumseh on bottom.
He said fish bottom that’s where the bait (Smelt are).
Started fishing at 9am and off the water at 7;30pm. Man was it hot out there, hardly saw a boat yesterday, just a few.
The nets are clearly marked with a stick and black flag with White jugs along the nets.
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I must say @Fish Farmer you are one die hard fisherman to take the heat for all those hours. You must have felt like you just came off the BQ grill. :inpain:

Why you didn't see hardly any other boats is because all the fiberglass boats melted and sank. :LOL:

Sure glad to hear you brought home 4 for your solo effort, well deserved. (y)
I must say @Fish Farmer you are one die hard fisherman to take the heat for all those hours. You must have felt like you just came off the BQ grill. :inpain:

Why you didn't see hardly any other boats is because all the fiberglass boats melted and sank. :LOL:

Sure glad to hear you brought home 4 for your solo effort, well deserved. (y)
Thanks Wave Runner
I feel it today, I feel like I came off the Grill.:hungover:
Now down to the laundry room to filet. Going to keep a couple for myself.(y):)
I must say @Fish Farmer you are one die hard fisherman to take the heat for all those hours. You must have felt like you just came off the BQ grill. :inpain:

Why you didn't see hardly any other boats is because all the fiberglass boats melted and sank. :LOL:

Sure glad to hear you brought home 4 for your solo effort, well deserved. (y)

Dave's a retired Steelworker, some guys don't know or remember the meaning of hot. Maybe your crane cab had AC, I doubt it though. We referred to Hot Metal (molten Iron) as cold when it got down to 2400F. It might be cold but don't stick your finger in it.
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