Yesterday Maitland Report

Fish Farmer

Well-Known Member
Did well yesterday, glad I went got a late start because being undecided with the weather.
Stepson and myself got set up around noon, lake was calm but as the day went on got rough.
We ended the day with 9 Walleyes and one Bow Lost one nice bow behind the boat and 4 other Walleye.
Was so rough had a hard time standing, waves pushed us trying to net the fish.
Stepson is busy today with the knife.

When we got back to the launch guys were heading out, hope they did well.
All fish came on harnesses on both riggers and dipsys.
Every Walleye we caught were good eater small fish.
I gutted the Bow out there, you wouldn't believe what looked like 1 inch baby Walleye it had in its gut.
Hi Fish Farmer- How deep of water were you fishing and any general areas to try! Thanks Walleyeman.
Out by the fingers 65 to 85 FOW Caught the fish on riggers and dipsys. Dipsy #3 setting 135 back with white worm harnesses and 150' behind the ball on riggers down 40'
Thanks Fish Farmer- I am going to give it a whirl possibly Mon.! I appreciate your feedback. Congrats on your day out with your stepson. Glad you had a good day! Walleyeman.
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