Live at the Port Bruce peir.


Well-Known Member
R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
Headed the 3 miles south to Port Bruce for lunch. Unlike yesterday it's sunny with minimal haze. Probably 25 boats out and spread far and wide. Never seen one yellow perch caught just a couple white perch and sheepshead. As they say any day fishing is a good day.But perch would make it better. Blue water is at the pier today.20190607_133518.jpg20190607_133526.jpg
I changed my mind and went this afternoon afterall. Ron told me I just missed you Tailfeathers. There was a couple at the end on the SW corner that walked away with 5 after letting everyone believe they hadn't caught anything when I got there. I managed 4 total and a sheephead. 2 worth keeping and 2 not in a little under 3 hours. Still really slow tho, but it was still better than the alternative.
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