hunting the unit

ship wrecked

Well-Known Member
Hey Im fairly new to hunting the unit just a few questions how many decoys do you need to use geese and ducks?
Do you use motion duck decoys and what kind? Whats the better blinds in certain winds and feeding area?
Thanks for any help in advance.
Seems there’s a lot of water and fewer weeds inside the marsh which seems to help hold more geese this year
Ducks are around but usually takes a few weeks before larger numbers start showing up
First to leave are the blue wings which are pretty much gone now, next to leave are the woodies then the green wings
We use mojo ducks early in the season but ducks that have been around for a bit get smarter and start to avoid them
Decoys with extra long lines on them are needed as the water level is still fairly high.
Be careful stepping out of a boat because most blinds are too deep to navigate with Chest waders (especially the outer shooting points)
As for blind recommendations, it really depends on what type of duck you’re after and what way the blind faces to match up to the wind direction, some blinds have to be moved before season due to water levels so blind directions can and do change when comparing to the previous years
Also depends on pressure from other guys
hunting them (some guys go through 3 boxes of shells skybustin’ just to get one duck). Once ducks wise up we call it the elevator shaft scenario (straight to the top once they get to that blind)
For up to date info go talk to the guys in and around the unit office, you’ll get a better idea there than surfin the web for the scoop
Happy Huntin’!!!