Fishing Report Different result today.

Trevor M

Well-Known Member
Said I was going back to the pier this morning, and I did. Got there and had my line in by 7 again after dropping my wife off. Was by myself for about half an hour today.

Still all kinds of bait around. Water was much clearer than yesterday but still somewhat cloudy on the west side.

Lots of white perch being caught again today, but at the moment at least, they're only hitting worms. Only thing that seemed to want the minnows was the sheephead and gobies.

I ran 3 hooks, for a while with 2 minnows and a worm in the middle, but eventually I went down to 2 hooks (wasn't steady enough action to really warrant using 3) and I caught:

3 white perch
2 Sheephead
a chub that hit my worm (DAMN THING:mad: )
and 4 gobies.:mad: (at least I got to kill'em)

I'm done for this week due to prior commitments with my wife tomorrow and Saturday. Not sure yet when I'll go next week, or even if I will. Depends on the weather and what I may or may not feel like doing around the house. ;)

As I was leaving at 2:15 someone I haven't seen since last year was just getting there and asked how it was. I told him the fact I was packin up and leaving should tell him all he needed to know. We had a good laugh, then he gave me some rather sad news. One of the people who would come down and fish beside me quite a bit and who I got to know over the many years we fished together passed away last week :cry:

He always had good stories and was a pleasure to sit beside. He was elderly (90+ and still came fishin every summer) and everyone was more than willing to help him out catching bait, or by giving him some so he didn't have to catch any. It always made everyone smile when he would have a good day of catching instead of a nice day fishing.

I'm going to miss him. RIP my friend. You've earned it.
He's still with us @Trevor M ...he's just fishing in a different spot now! 90 is a great deal on life no matter how you look at it. May he RIP...and enjoy his new fishing spots!
Yep, and I have no doubt that he's happily out-fishing everyone there. (which was rare on the pier lol) I offered my condolences to the person who told me about his passing as that person was very close to the family. I will not be attending as the only place I knew him was the pier, and none of his family know me, or I them, and it wouldn't be appropriate for me to attend.

However, as I've said before in offering condolences to others, far too many times, especially as I come from a VERY large family, I was very young, 9 almost 10 when I experienced my first encounter with death, an uncle that I was very close too, and to console me, my dad told me something at his funeral that has stayed with me ever since, and I've shared this with the person who told me, and I've shared it in the past in the forum, because it gives me comfort, and I hope it gives others comfort as well.

"Even though they aren't here with us the way we want them to be, they aren't gone. We know where they are. They're in our hearts, and in our minds, and so long as just one person remembers them, they'll live forever."

Of 35 funerals of family or very close friends, (3 of which there was no way I could attend because I wasn't born yet) so out of 32 that it may have been possible for me to attend, I've been to 18. The others I wasn't in the same geographical region and couldn't afford the flight home to Ontario to attend. Sadly, coming from such a large family, I know there will be more.

For example, I already know I WILL be attending a funeral/celebration of life/memorial later this year as the husband of my mother's maid of honor (They are VERY close family friends who have known me my entire life) passed away a few weeks ago.
Well said Trevor! Your Dad was a wise man.
My mom still questions whether he actually said because that is "sooooooo, not him." But I assured her, he said it because he was the person to take me aside and calm me down. He'll be 79 at the end of the month and swears he does not remember saying that to me, but it was 44 years ago, and since I can't remember what I did yesterday (or this morning sometimes) on most days, doesn't surprise me he can't remember saying something that long ago ;)
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