LSC Ducks Sat. am Oct. 12


Well-Known Member
R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
buddy & me got out for the michigan opener...excellent conditions on a cool & brisk west winds.. good cloud cover & the full moon of all there was plenty of ducks.. and they were comin in on a string for a great shoot..
theres a few pics widgeon, gadwall, mallard for our count..

LSC Ducks Sat. Oct. 12 091.jpg

LSC Ducks Sat. Oct. 12 097.jpg

LSC Ducks Sat. Oct. 12 101.jpg
yes Toad it was a blast of fun alright..and we had our spot all to ourselves...
our success was picking our location ended up to be a beautiful thing where the puddle ducks just kept coming annoymoose...
with the cool temp change in the weather.. big flocks of canvasbacks were up high in flight just to let us know good things are coming sooner then later date...such an incredible performance flying head wind high to the NW...that was a wow..