Some Tuesday morning trivia (if you're interested)


Well-Known Member
while cleaning out some of the "junk" that's accumulated I came across some records that I started to keep on my perch outings.

1--first trips to Bruce were back in 2011 2--best periods for success were late July 3--really good periods were mid Sept thru to end of Oct (the other location)

guess what really surprised me was its been 8 years since my first trip to the Bruce----just doesn't seem to be really that long ago
while cleaning out some of the "junk" that's accumulated I came across some records that I started to keep on my perch outings.

1--first trips to Bruce were back in 2011 2--best periods for success were late July 3--really good periods were mid Sept thru to end of Oct (the other location)

guess what really surprised me was its been 8 years since my first trip to the Bruce----just doesn't seem to be really that long ago

We've probably already met Gord, and just don't know it LOL. I've been fishin Pt Bruce since I was 5. Caught the first fish I ever caught there (a sucker) in the creek across from NEM by the house on stilts right by the temporary bridge. That property used to be a campground where my grandparents had a site right by that big tree and I would spend at least 2 weeks every summer with them down there until we moved out west in '86. I'd get my worms across the street at the store that isn't there anymore. If my grandparents woke up and I wasn't still in bed, they knew where to find me, in the back of their neighbors boat (the Tufford's) with a line in the water (yes they gave me permission to sit in their boat to fish) As I got older eventually I was allowed to go out to the pier.

I came back in late '08 and have fished the pier every year since '09.

I started to keep a record of what I catch and how many times I get skunked a few years ago. Helps me keep an accurate accounting of what species and how many of'em I have in the freezer. So far this year I haven't caught anything worth keeping so I haven't put any fish in the freezer but it's early still and I'm thinking the perch are going to be late coming in close enough to where us pier fishermen can get'em because of how high the water is. I've been skunked once out of 3 trips, which is still better than 2 years ago when I was skunked the first 4 times I went. I'm planning to make a 4th trip down this year on Friday to try again.
looking at those records there were a LOT of days being skunked---even up this way. some days couldn't do anything wrong not that there were a lot of them but enough to think WOW I did that

I just looked back and from 2017 through 2018 and counting the 3 trips this year so far, I've been fishing a total of 56 times, (doesn't seem like that many) and I've only been skunked 6 times (seems like a lot more)

I've caught 265 yellow perch (counting that itty bitty thing I caught a couple weeks ago) and kept 182 of them over that time. (91 both in 2017 and 2018) I haven't caught any worth keeping yet this year and have 0 perch in the freezer right now so I'm hoping they'll start to cooperate soon.

Would be nice if they'd cooperate like they were prior to 2016 when I was getting close to a daily limit at least twice a year before they went deep again. I haven't left the pier with more than 24 on any given day in 3 years. June 20th last year was the last time I not only caught, but saw a perch worth keeping that wasn't in picture form in a thread here. I'm not suffering from withdrawal yet, but will be soon if I don't start catching a few to bring home :LOL: