Saturday, October 1st beats Opening Day

Duck Soup

Well-Known Member
R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
The harvest data for last Saturday shows that morning participants plus our afternoon youth hunters harvested over 200 birds. Looks like the kids did very well. Considering that most blinds only had one inexperienced shooter in the PM, the numbers were rather impressive. The feedback I've heard from our junior waterfowlers and their mentors was also pretty impressive.
Hey DS,

Have you seen or heard the feedback since this warm weather moved in? Just wondering how/if it has affected the birds?

Hi Jwalsh...I hunted yesterday. Basically the flight was over by legal shooting time. We had quite a few birds land in the decoys before 6:41. There was nobody in line-up spots 2 and 3 (re: limit of 5 times per season). I still enjoyed being out but ended up with one duck....a gadwall came too close about 9:00 am. There wasn't even a ripple in the water after daylight. Should be better on least there is a breeze in the forecast.
quote]Originally posted by Jwalsh

Hey DS,

Have you seen or heard the feedback since this warm weather moved in? Just wondering how/if it has affected the birds?

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