

Anyone tried for minnows in Port Bruce yet this season? It may be a bit early for the perch but the minnows maybe there.
Dont know about Port Bruce but when I checked Dover Monday there seemed to be quite a few/lots in the harbor. Looked like good sized perch minnows to me.

Minnows have been in Port Bruce for a couple weeks now.

Originally posted by quinner01

Minnows have been in Port Bruce for a couple weeks now.


Quinner---any reports of perch showing up yet down there?????

Havent been down lately. Last time I was there the water was muddy, but calm and no one fishing, about a week ago. I havent heard of any perch being caught yet.

There have been a few people going out for perch in Port Bruce but as Quinner says the water has been pretty muddy..Have not heard if anyone is catching anything though.....was down there last week and it was pretty quiet
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