Lake Erie Ridge Saturday


Well-Known Member
Hi all..

Well....76 mile boat ride around the Point to the 38ft hump on the ridge on Saturday. Very nice lake to run on. Unfortunately...only 8 jumbos to show for it. Fished 30-46 ft on the hump lots of bait on the bottom...and about 20 sheephead to use up the minnows with.

Found abundant suspended fish in 70-75 ft trolling back (this would be about 15miles West of the the lighthouse. Probably pics....but no planners or dipseys to put out...and not a sniff on a rigger.

Interesting trip....probably should have burned the additional gas to get to Hastings....but love a new adventure.
You should have run the extra miles. Friday 400 perch Saturday different group 200 more. Still there and still HOT!

We made the trip around on the 27th of Aug. Great day and perfect water conditions for a 2 hr boat ride one way. We fished in 48' of water and came in with 87 perch, ran out of minnows and decided to drag a few lines on the way back with no luck.
The day went perfect until we got back into the Old Cut and then trouble hit us bad. I went into neutral to talk some one and when I shifted to forward I had nothing but a grind noise and also in reverse :0 We had just blown the drive coupling.

Motor out of the boat


Stripped drive coupling.

A special thanks to Randy at Post Marina had me back up and going last Thursday
I sympathize with you 3 boys.... at least you made it in. I blew a drive on the way in from the south beach once....but that happened in Gravelly Bay...very long tow in from there.
Bad ;ucl on the drive, rea;;y good luck on where it happened!

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