July 14 - Lakeside - Perch - Jumbolicious


Staff member
A couple of guys from work didn't believe my stories about deep water perch'in, so we hooked up with Big Dave for a trip so they could get some experience first hand. Same awesome numbers as previous trips, but, man, these fish are getting bigger! Numerous doubleheaders of jumbos. Slow start with an easterly breeze from 9:30 to 10:00 (yours truly was catching, but no one else was contributing much8D to the cooler). Then the water flattened out and the bite was on! Fantastic action between 10:30 and 11:30 when the cooler could take no more!

Cooler shot (correction 120 165 quart cooler):

WTG Stomp and crew----cant wait to see the pics

what jammer said :)

looks like there's "lots" of room left yet in the cooler:D


I guess we could have squeezed some more in, but you can see from above that Big Dave has a head for numbers, and according to him, we were at our limit and had to quit!
Nice job guy's, that's a three man cooler, at least it would take three men to carry it;).
How long was the cleaning job?????

Brian (Legend Man)

Took 4 of us to carry it; just nuts. I quit cleaning these fish after my second trip out with Big Dave last year. Some guys cleaned their share this time. I understand from them that catching the fish took about half the time and was much more fun than was the cleaning.
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