Fishing camp for kids.


Well-Known Member
Ok so I have had this idea for a few years and I might pull the trigger for the 2012 season .What I am planning on doing is setting up 2, 1 week fishing camps for kids ages 8-13 .I am posting this to see what kind of interest there is for this ,would anyone here send there kids to something like this .I would be taking the kids out for bass and pike for 1 day(on long point bay) and a charter for bows and walleye as well as camping and fishing instruction each child would get a fishing rod and some tackle and learn how to tie lots of knots, cast a bait caster, stuff like that. It would be held at a reservoir camp grounds so the kids could fish every day if they like and I would provide canoes and supervision for these activities .I still have a lot of details that have to be addressed like insurance possible sponsors and what it would cost per child . I won’t be doing this to make money but would like to have it self supporting but if there’s enough interest I may consider doing this as a business in the summer months .Please feel free to e-mail me at .Let me know your thoughts and if you would be interested in sending your children to a camp like this .


I would like to thank Denali custom rods and The Rod Glove for their support
Its a good idea. I agree with upping the age a bit though - might be a bit much to have a bunch of 8-year olds out in the boat. I think 10 - 14 might be a good age. I'm sure my boy would enjoy a fishing camp when he is old enough - here's hoping he is still interested in fishing!
I was just joking about the age thing, trying to squeeze myself into the age group, but yeah, even 15 or 16, I know I didnt know my proper knots, or a ton about fishing, even when I was that old. See what numbers you get, whether you need to expand the age group or not.

I want to keep the groups small 8-10 kids max I may think about doing a teenager camp one week of 8-12 and 1 week of 13-16 just depends on interest it would be a lot easier to keep older kids interested.


I would like to thank Denali custom rods and The Rod Glove for their support
GREAT idea Shawn. I am interested in assisting if you want.

If you want to start up a camp like this you need to develop the material to make it a learning experience instead of just letting kids climb into the boat and tangle lines.

You could do half day of fishing clinics including knot tying, lure painting, etc. Then a half day of fishing. Parks with small waters and pavilions (Deer Creek, Waterford CA, Little Lake) would be a good place to do this.

First go round, try 1 day. Get some feedback and grow into a 2 day event in year 2. If it works well keep growing it.

Also, if you focus on weekends you could get lots of help from various instructors who could not afford a week or two off work. Various groups including Muskies Canada, Trout Unlimited, OFAH, Ontario BASS Federation and others would gladly offer up time and a booth for teaching kids about the benefits of fishing and/or fishing techniques.

Name: Jason Barnucz (Delhi, Ontario)
Thanks to my sponsors Bass Magnet Lures, Koppers Live Target Lures, Fishing World, Bills Bait and Tackle
2007, 2011 Team Ontario, Ontario BASS Federation Nation
Thanks for the ideas Jay I am thinking of a week camp because nothing like this exists there are a bunch of 1 day events for kids already .I would be keeping the fishing lessons short like 1-2 hours at a time to keep them interested and this would allow for some local experts to make a apperance and not tie up there entire day/days I am getting great responces from this and other forums I will be looking into the insurance stuff and will make a decision by the fall whether to move forward with this .


I would like to thank Denali custom rods and The Rod Glove for their support
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