Burwell /sat 24

Last time chasing Mr Wally, turn out to be a beauty day. Too bad the fish weren,t cooperating like the weather was. Started in 55ft and came in closer to 47 after hearing 1 caught in closer. Did not mark squat the entire time, just perch and sheepies.After 4 hrs, finally hit a fish in 57ft.Tried a little longer and pulled lines to go deep. Raced out to 65ft, and almost instantly hit another fish. We worked our way back and picked up a couple more, the fish are scarce and probably going states side, going on to perch now . Had a great

season , and noticed the winds this year were fantastic.





Nice bunch of late season 'eyes; Thx for the report!

It sure does seem like we've had our share of nice days on Erie this year. Will be hard to match the summer of '11.
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