Been a while since I posted a food picture

Trevor M

Well-Known Member
Went freezer fishin for supper tonight and took out some walleye. Once thawed I zipped it then into the flour, egg wash and Panko with Cajun seasoning I mixed into it. First picture was supper tonight. Second will be breakfast in the morning.


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Went freezer fishin for supper tonight and took out some walleye. Once thawed I zipped it then into the flour, egg wash and Panko with Cajun seasoning I mixed into it. First picture was supper tonight. Second will be breakfast in the morning.
Looks good @Trevor M 🐟🐟😋 👍👍 and pictures are always nice to look at. Bon appetite!! 👍🙂
way to go @Trevor M

I just got lucky making ice cubes, and found actually 3 pkgs of fish,

sunday oven baked 1 pkg quick on high heat in peanut oil with lemon pepper served with green pepper and mushrooms

2023 april7 088.webp

I might invite this little guy over for dinner too, but how could i ..
2023 april7 075.webp
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