couple hours will be dashing thru the snow to my daughter and family down in Simcoe-----Santa dropped a chunk of coal tho----car broke down and SIL coming to pick me up----car scheduled to get fixed next Tuesday
got up this morning you were on my mind------then i gave myself a good old fashioned Motherly talking to-----you promised etc you were out Sat etc you got MORE perch. then i remembered how my body felt after sitting in my chair for long periods Sat so talked myself out of any foolish notions...
Well TWN got it almost right----light winds but the milder temps just didnt happen. Started off early on them--- nothing huge but keepers just the same---was a picky bite so putting rod down was not an option. after what seemed like a loooong time checked and it was only 9:30 (been there...
location is east as in Burlington----3" or smaller if i can get them----been playing with using cooked or raw shrimp actually find them cheaper? and keep longer then minnows
Today "looked" like the bestest opening for another run at it-----i said "looked" like it. temps werent too bad plenty of sunshine but it was those gusty winds/breeze that did it in. if they had been at my back might have been a different story. perchies were still present and even more...
not a typo---broke one of my cardinal rules about not fishing weekends and went anyway----compared to last trip this was a beauty ----arrived on the scene to calm winds and cool but comfortable temps... place was occupied a bit but still got on MY spot and game on. so i sat and i sat people...
havent tried H & H yet closed Sunday thru Tuesday----been getting them from Happy Variety and they've been decent sized for perch until this last lot ----were Mediums and more like pike minnows----they tell me they wont be getting anymore "small" now
still in the perchin mode but faced with the dilemma of not being able to get quality minnows in the area. picked up a package of small cooked shrimp to use but need input on how to keep them from going skunky on me.. thought about salting them down much like minnows and was wondering if...
First the good news----today for a change didnt forget/misplace anything essential for todays exercise----second piece of "good" news didnt meet that black /white critter.
All down hill from that----didnt like the forecast of E winds but they appeared to be light so WTH i'll go...
How was that for a gorgeous fall day--- topped it off if that's possible by bringing fourteen home. Truth be told had four? donated by a fellow fisherman i've met before and to be brutally honest first in bucket by me was only a mini me so count is more like 13 1/2 or for the critics 13 1/4. Of...
last week i cut a couple of minnows in half and used the tail portion (seems to stay on the hook better) and they just loved it----there's a joke there
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